Saturday, May 5, 2012

Cotton Candy Swirl Water Marble

Hey, everyone!  I'm back with a new design!  Cotton Candy Swirl nails!  First water marble this year.  I was attempting a rainbow water marble, (perfect for summer) but some of my colors didn't spread out nicely, so it was a big fail. :(  I spent a long time trying to find the right combination of colors (something not too dark since dark colors aren't good for summer or spring).  I finally came to a blue and pink that looked great together and spread out very nicely...


They were both Sinful Colors in "Love Nails" and "Beautiful Girl".  They are a much darker when used by themselves, but when you do a water marble the colors lighten up.  They turned out to be perfect cotton candy colors.  I just took a cup filled with room temperature water and taped the skin around my nails up, then I dripped one drop of blue, then pink, then blue, and so on for about five or six drops.  Once my bulls eye is made, I took a needle and drew a line from the outside of the cup to the center of the bulls eye and continued all around the cup until a design like a flower is made.  Then I dipped my nail in the prettiest spot and cleaned the rest of the polish in the cup up with the needle.  Take the nail out and I'm done (except pealing the tape around the nail off)!  Yes, this does take a lot of work and time.  Lots of practice, too.  Only a few of my nails turned out how I wanted them to.  Hope you liked my design!  See you next time!     

1 comment:

  1. I love those colors together...cotton candy!! They look awesome!
